Saturday, March 01, 2008

I'll have you know, I painted the feather.

I also finished two little pictures of dragons. I wish I had painted the red one green, but I don't think I'll go back and change it. This means that I finished the whole wall... sort of. I'm waiting for Mike to come visit so that he can hang the frames straight, and I need to clean the mirror.

This dragon is standing on his head. It looked better as a sketch than a painting, he seams a bit off balance.

What I really want to do is paint my kitchen green. When we painted the house the first time I almost did, but I am a chicken when it comes to color, and I opted for neutral. The house is mostly beige colors with a few black accents and wood that is on the darker side. I'm thinking a green that is somewhere between a lime and an olive. All this thinking and wanting is for naught though, my husband is very much against the idea of painting the kitchen, he says it's about at the bottom of his priority list. I think I need to encourage him to take a trip for a couple of days.


bug girl said...

A dragon standing on his head? I don't think I have ever seen such a sight.

Alice said...

GO FOR IT! GREEN KITCHEN< YAH! So, y'know how the Bailey's house was so many different colors? Well, that's how mine is going to be. We painted my sister's house last week, and they were neutral colors, I want bright fun clashing colors that will make my kids more lively.

le said...

The dragon looks like a natural yogi.

The Bec-ster said...

Uhh, you need my mother in law to visit...she loves to paint kitchens and everything...she will be done with her big theater productions soon and you could call in a favor...because you did paint the whole back of her house last time you visited her!
I love the dragon on his head and the other one doing his dragon thing...GREAT JOB!
OH and send you Hubby out to visit us! He is always welcome here!