So far I really only like the top one, the other two are too strong for me, maybe if I just toned down the colors... Which one do you vote for? In the end I'll probably come up with something like none of the above, so you can vote for that too.
Also Kim blogged about a little munchkin (who would be pouting, indignantly, right now if he knew I had called him a munchkin), and just happened to use a picture that showed a monster puppet (the one on the left) that I made for him for his birthday, back when I was going through my puppet making phase. That phase only lasted through 3 puppets, a monster, a dragon, and monkey. When I started on the monster I thought I'd make a cute little monster, that wouldn't get in the way, but as I made it, it got bigger and bigger and bigger until it was the size of a small child...oops. The monster on the left in the picture was made by his mother, it had a hole in it's belly with another smaller monster in it, in that monsters belly was yet another smaller monster. It was really awesome. The funny thing was that we both independently, not knowing what the other was doing, made him monsters for his birthday, and they were both blue and brown. I guess some things are just meant to be.
I think you should work on a few more web page options. I like them, but none of them are quite right. Maybe there should be a dragon, a gnome, or a princess isolated in a tower contorting her body to look out the only window.
I like all of them! I also like the monsters. I don't remember the monkey though.
I like the top one the best. I don't prefer websites where I have to click on the first page to actually get into the site- just a personal preference, but I think I remember hearing that you lose a percentage of readers/viewers whatever, with every click they have to click.
I agree with Kim though, a little magical touch would personalize it a little more.
And I'm sad that you don't live closer to me so that Zoe's cuteness would inspire you to make her cool puppets and things. Your nephews are blessed with a super talented mom who already makes them cool things, poor Zoe gets no coolness. :(
i LOVE the pink, I think it is perfect. It will prove once and for all that you--Pam are not afraid of pink. Every since I starting thinking about becoming a Huntzinger everyone told me Pam doesn't like Pink, and you have always tried to deny this. The pink website will prove all of them wrong-- showing that you have no phobia of pink. Which personally I think anyone could see when they see how much pink that girl of yours named Eliza wears. (I know the truth-- you have been pink shirted, and pink shirted other too.)
I want a life sized monster...well maybe not...I don't know where I'd put it. I have so much stuff. I just moved and am starting to sell. Anyone want a pull up bar, my new place happens to already have one.
I had started a website with some gothic architecturalish line drawings, with dragons, and I had put a good amount of time into it, then my husband wiped the drive with all my stuff on it and I haven't been able to find it in all the recovered files...grrrr...maybe I'll start on that idea again.
I agree with that "click here to enter" page thing. I only like them when they are cool Flash animation pages, and I'm just not that proficient with Flash.
I have thought a time or two about making Zoe, and other cousins cute babies presents, but my siblings keep having children and I can't keep up!
Lesli: I do like pink! I love pink! Okay, not quite. Let's say I embrace pink. Or maybe I'm just trying to be tough and so I overuse pink to meet my fear head on.
Becky: The monkey wasn't too exciting.
Alice: Dang...My husband just bought a pull up bar the other day...too bad. But of course now that you're getting married you will need a "his" and a "hers".
I HATE PURPLE....and green beans.
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