Sunday, May 03, 2009

If you haven't visited my house and seen the big mess I've been keeping on my kitchen table, in hope that I can finish this project, then you can guess what this is a picture of. If you guess correctly I'll give you the first strawberry out of my garden this year, even if it's half eaten by sal bugs and earwigs.


The Bec-ster said...

Is it a picture of a flowing river with pebbles on the riverbed and a horse is galloping across it?

The Bec-ster said...

can I have another guess?

Is it a magic trick?

The Bec-ster said...

Do I get another guess? Is it dragon skin after another dragon blew his hot dragon breath on him and accidentally melted his right wing?

Scorchi said...

Well, I was gonna describe what it looks like to me, but in the comment screen I can't see the picture anymore. So now it has to be like one of those baby show games where you looked at something for 30 seconds and then get to list what you saw.
Um I think I saw a scoop of ice cream and some bees wax or a waffle and a bunch of puke in the middle.
Did I win the strawberry? Will you mail it to me or deliver it in person?

SillySlang said...

I'm guess a model of the Moon. O.K. so I'm not very creative. What is it? What is it?!!!