Wednesday, March 11, 2009

If you can guess what this is (or going to be), I'll mail you a dollar.


bug girl said...

I have a guess but I will wait until others give it a try.

But here is my second idea:
You are going to super-glue those dog heads to the toilet lid as a handle so you don't have to touch the lid to lift it.

The Bec-ster said...

Toilet paper roll holder of course.

le said...

I have no idea what it is. Do I get a dollar. Brent says he thinks they are handles for something, but he doesn't know.

Pam said...

I've got to work on my legalese... You only get a dollar if you guess it CORRECTLY. And while I'm at it I might as well say you are disqualified if you're related to me or visited me in the last two days. I guess that disqualifies all but 4 people who read my blog, but it doesn't matter you guys are so way off on your guesses, I'm totally unimpressed...And what's with all the toilet references? Man oh man...sigh. I'm done with it now, so you've only got a short amount of time left until I post the finished project.

Flattail Family said...

Hmmm...initially I thought it was a toilet paper holder too. How about book ends?

Dananna said...

My guess has something to do with the movie Ghostbusters... Are they a small version of the gollums or whatever they are called that protect castles? I hope they don't come alive and try to eat your kids when they go to the bathroom.