I went to Joanne's fabric and craft store, so that I might find felting needles. They don't sell just felting needles by themselves, but luckily I found a kit by Feltworks in the clearance section, that was made up of a purse (already made), roving (unspun wool), and two felting needles. It also had a pattern and some beads and instructions on how to follow the pattern. Since I do not follow instructions well, I gave the beads to a friend, and tossed the instructions and pattern away after a brief glance. In the instructions it warned me not to stick myself with the needles, I of course did the opposite; I haven't had my tetanus shot since 96, I hope I don't die.
Here is the end product, sorry for the fuzzy pictures.
Side one: Dragon with one leg, one wing, and no arms.

Side 2: Dragonflies, not anatomically correct.

I have also been having fun with hair clips and felt. When I get the pictures from my sister I'll share, these are also trendy, which once again makes me totally cool for making them.
that looks really cool! I can't exactly see how it is done by the pictures. Does it take a long time? I'm not sure that one bug would pass as a dragonfly...maybe a dragonfelty or something.
That looks cool, but I'm totally confused. Did you stitch those pictures on? It looks like paint, but paint doesn't need a needle. It still looks super cool. When you showed me that purse on Saturday I thought you had made it. The bright side of things if you get tetanus you can sue Joanns or who ever made the kit. Even with a warning of not poking they should not sell tetanus laced needles. Thats super nifty cool.
Oh, so beautiful (even if both sides are anatomically incorrect). Well done.
I will get those pictures to you today? Or tomorrow? But soon, they are in the mail, in your email. Have you even checked?
I watched a show about needle felting and it looked really fun. All that poking around. :) They were making hats with stars on them, and that seemed hard enough to get the stars shaped right- I can't imagine trying to get a dragon or dragonfly shaped right. You must have far superior visualization skills to mine.
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