I often look back at my kindergarten days in Mrs. Davis's class and I remember fondly the alphabet on the wall in front of the room over the chalkboard. I could always look up there in case I forgot how to make a particular letter. Since my children will be home schooled I want to have the alphabet readily accessible for them to look at. But the large laminated brightly colored alphabet from my childhood isn't something I want hanging in a prominent place in my home. So I have made my own. In my last home I painted a border around my sons room with the whole alphabet, and of course dragons. It took me forever to paint and just as I finished it we sold the house and moved, and I had to leave it behind. When we move next I will be able to take this one with me.

"Yuck, what is that?" a young boy visiting my house asked me. He was referring to the gunk on the frame. I told him it is dehydrated slime. I love my ugly frames, I haven't found anyone else who agrees with me, especially not my husband. He doesn't understand why I would "ruin" a perfectly good frame.
Below are some blurry close ups. My camera stinks, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

The greatest news in all of this is that I can now clean off my kitchen table, and my husband can love me again, at least until I mess it up again.
There are other places in the house besides the kitchen table where your husband can love you.
Oh Pam, that's gorgeous! Did you make it? Is it paper or embroidered?
Awesome! I am a visual learner and always needed an alphebet somewhere close to look at when I forgot which way the b and d went and what came after the r and how to make an upper case G. I like the frame too! It goes perfect with the reading dragons in my all but humble opinion!
I apologize in advance if this is too personal a question, but, How big is it?
I'm going to assume the first comment came from my dad, it sounds like something he would say.
At one point I had thought about embroidering an alphabet, or cross stitching one, but instead I painted it. It is 24" by 18" and it is on a piece of 1/8th inch plywood.
I like to think of that green goo as dragon snot. Then I don't get as grossed out. And if you touch it with your tongue it will cure goiters.
that is way better than the plastic ones. I'm glad mike asked the personal question, I was wondering myself too.
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