Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nothing Current

I am currently working on a baby quilt for one of my siblings new arrivals, and it won't be done for a while. So in the mean time, here is something I painted many moons ago for a color theory class.


Anonymous said...

That is cool! Thanks for sharing. Each time I look at it from another angle it looks better. You are so creative Pam.

Maryanne said...

I can't see the image, what am I doing wrong?

Pam said...

The image should just be there, have you tried opening your eyes? Just kidding, sorry for being so impertinent. I just switched to the new blogger, maybe there's a glitch. Can you see it now? How about now? Can you see it yet? Let me know if you still can't see it and I'll try posting it again or something.

Maryanne said...

Opening my eyes! I never would have thought of that. You should have made it telepathically available, like your post.

I thought maybe it was because I was using Mozilla, but I tried with Explorer too. Explorer at least gave me a little box with an x in it where the picture should have been, Mozilla gave me nothing. Stingy Mozilla.

It's weird that Becky can see it and I can't, is it a sisters only painting?

Pam said...

I'm trying the telepathy thing now...hum hummmmmmmnuminuminum hummmm...can you see it now?

Maryanne said...

I can, I can! It's really cool looking! It kind of looks like an elephant...

Pam said...

Elephant? You must be your mothers daughter. Anyone else see an elephant?

Maryanne said...

It's not my fault if you telepathically sent me an elephant! The long part in the middle looks like a trunk and the roundish part to the right kind of looks like an ear... ok, on closer inspection it looks like a tower with stairs and an entryway, but an elephant works too.