I gave it to him on Christmas morning, looking pretty shabby, with the promise that I would finish it later. In all actuality he probably didn't even need me to finish it. He was happy to play with it when it was just raw plywood. But to satisfy my own need, I had to spend countless hours working on it.
I had pictures of the castle's progress as I went along, but some mean person decided to accidentally wipe the drive clean on our computer where I keep all my stuff... (just a reminder to everyone to back up all the important stuff on your computer especially all those precious pictures of your kids.) Fortunately we got most of it all back, it's just impossible to find anything... grrrrrrrr...
So this is how I made it: We had an old 3/4 inch plywood door out in the barn that we took out of our house when we remodeled. I cut out all the main walls for the castle out of this wood, I used my table saw for this feat. I am lucky that I didn't cut off my fingers numerous times. I need to take a class or get some better instruction on how to safely use this great piece of machinery. Not only did I imperil my fingers during each cut, but I also made so many misplaced cuts that my motto became "Good thing this is going to be covered in paper mache!"
And so it was. After I screwed the whole thing together, I put a layer and a half of paper mache over the whole thing, using the strips of paper and glue method. Then I used the method of making a pulp out of paper in the blender and adding glue to make the stones.
Then I painted the whole thing and sprayed it with a sealing coat of varnish.
Last of all I made a little prison door out of wire because my kid likes to throw bad guys in jail. He's such a great kid. The other day he announced that he was going to catch all the bad guys and teach them math. He is of the belief that if you educate your inmates they are less likely get back in trouble. We'll see how his program works on these bad guys...

Hooray,looks awesome! I want to come and play too!
I am so glad to hear that someone is willing to reform his criminals. Although becoming more math minded might make them super-criminals. I think it would be better to have them learn to spell. They should have spelling bees.
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